Used to create a new player. Brings up a New Player window with the Player Name box highlighted.
Open... ‚åò-O
Used to open a Player File or a new set of missions. Brings up a dialog to allow you to browse through folders.
Close ‚åò-W
Closes the current active window. Will prompt you to save if changes have been made in the window being closed.
Save ‚åò-S
Saves the current Player File.
Save As...
Allows you to save the current Player File to a different folder or drive, or to save it under a different name.
Quit ‚åò-Q
Quits Avara. Prompts you to save if any changes have been made in your Player File.
Edit Menu
Standard Macintosh editing functions
Undo ‚åò-Z
Undoes the previous Cut or Paste command.
Cut ‚åò-X
Cuts selected text.
Copy ‚åò-C
Copies selected text.
Paste ‚åò-V
Pastes text from the clipboard.
Clears selected text.
Game Menu
Use Built-In Missions
Loads the missions that come bundled with Avara.
Save Results Automatically
When checked, Avara will automatically save any changes to your Player File.
Resume ‚åò-R
Restarts a paused mission.
Start ‚åò-R
Starts a new mission.
Game Options ‚åò-G
Brings up the Game Options window. The options in this window are described in Chapter 6, Configuring Avara.
Network Menu
AppleTalk (compatible)
Selects the basic AppleTalk network protocol for Avara
AppleTalk (faster)
Selects AppleTalk with DDP as the network protocol for Avara
AppleTalk Broadcast (fastest)
Selects AppleTalk with DDP Broadcast as the network protocol for Avara
Selects TCP/IP as the network protocol for Avara
Bandwidth Use
Allows you to set Bandwidth use to Minimal, Low, Moderate or High. Bandwidth is discussed in Chapter 9, Network Avara.
Automatic Latency ‚åò-L
Allows Avara to select the Latency Tolerance during your game. Avara will change the Latency Tolerance to suit changing network conditions. Latency Tolerance is discussed in Chapter 9, Network Avara.
Latency Tolerance
Allows you to set a specific Latency Tolerance. Latency Tolerance is discussed in Chapter 9, Network Avara.
Server Options ‚åò-I
Brings up the Server Options window to allow you to set the options on any network Avara server you start. Server options are discussed in Chapter 9, Network Avara.
Reconfigure Server
Allows you to reset the server configuration of an Avara server you started. Server configuration is discussed in Chapter 9, Network Avara.
Sound Menu
Turns off all sound.
Sets sound to be monophonic, rather than stereo
Stereo Headphones
Selecting this option will send stereo sound output from Avara to the headphone jack on your Macintosh.
Stereo Speakers
Selecting this option sends stereo sound output from Avara to the speaker output of your Macintosh.
Bell (Control-G)
Allows you to set the sound that Avara will play when it receives a Control-G character on the “chat” line. Chatting is discussed in Chapter 9, Network Avara.
New Arrivals Alert
Allows you to set the sound that Avara will play when a new player joins a server. This option is discussed in Chapter 9, Network Avara.
Sound Options ‚åò-Y
Brings up the Sound Options window. Sound Options are discussed in Chapter 6, Configuring Avara.
Window Menu
This menu allows you to open or select any of the five main Avara windows. For more information on these windows, see Chapter 5, Elements of Avara. The five windows are:
Game ‚åò-0
Titled ”Avara.” This window shows your view from the HECTOR during gameplay.
Roster ‚åò-1
Titled “Roster.” This window shows: a list of who is currently in the game, information on each player, the text from the “chat” line, the current results of the mission being played, and any information that is specific to the mission being played or any plug-in being used.
Instruments ‚åò-2
No title bar. This window displays the current status of your HECTOR, along with game messages and text from the “chat” line.
Player ‚åò-3
Titled either “New Player” or with the name of the Player File being used. This window shows the name of your player, the configuration of your HECTOR, and the missions that are currently loaded.
Keyboard ‚åò-K
Titled “Keyboard Editor.” This window allows you to set the keyboard controls of for your HECTOR.